2008年10月9日 星期四

Walk for Nature @ Mai Po

We, humans, are consuming the planet's resources faster than they can be renewed. Our 'Ecological Footprint’, our impact upon the planet, has more than tripled since 1961. Our Ecological Footprint has exceeded the Earth's biocapacity since late 1980s. We are consuming far more resources than the planet can sustain.

Based on United Nations projections, by 2050, humanity's demand on nature will be TWICE the biosphere's productive capacity. We are living in a critical time where we must make the choice between continuing excessive consumption of the natural resources, or creating a new world to leave an amazing planet for us and our future generations forever.

We have a choice and we are the solutions.

We could choose to live sustainably to reduce our ecological footprint and impact on the environment.

WWW, a global conservation organization with network over 100 countries has been working in Hong Kong since 1981 with mission to stop the degradation of the planet's natural environment and to build a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. One of their programmes is to help Hong Kong reduce its ecological footprint and achieve harmony between people and nature.

To educate the public on how we could adopt a sustainable living style, the theme of this year's annual charity walk of WWF-"Walk for Nature @ Mai Po" will be "Sustainable living".

The Walk will be taken place at the internationally recognized wetland, Mai Po Nature Reserve, managed by WWF on 26 Oct and 2 Nov. While enjoying the natural beauty of the wetland and donating to WWF for conservation and education work in Hong Kong, the Walk shall also be educational and entertaining for individuals and families.

Through exhibits and activity booths at the specially designed route at Mai Po, participants will gain an understanding on sustainable living style, human's ecological footprint and what can we do to help save the planet. WWF will introduce tips and ways of sustainable use of Electricity, Timber, Sea and Freshwater Resources. Small changes in daily lives can make a positive impact on our planet.

Mai Po is renowned as a birdwatcher's paradise. Every year, over 50,000 migratory water-birds come to Mai Po for the winter including a fifth of the world's population of the endangered Black-faced Spoonbill. To step ahead, WWF will offset the carbon emissions from various areas (such as electricity use, shuttle bus transportation) of the event by purchasing carbon credits to support new renewable energy projects.

Want to enjoy a day out in wetland with friends and families, watch out the migratory birds, learn how to live sustainably to preserve our environment and save the planet, joining the WWF's charity walk can be a good choice. You can now go to wwf.org.hk/walk or call 2526 1011 for enrollment.

