2008年11月10日 星期一

Keep your indoors clean

People have become more and more aware of health trends and exercising, but have overlooked the importance of indoor air quality. Pollutants including dust, carbon dioxide, suspended particles and different types of bacteria can make indoor environments hazardous.

Here is how you can improve indoor air quality:

1. Keep dry – Moist environments favour bacteria and mites that can get into your clothes, bedding and furniture. Use a dehumidifier to lower household humidity and keep your home dry.

2. Smell good – Bad quality aroma products and other items can actually harm your respiratory system.

3. Keep clean – Change your bedding every 10 days and wash with hot water. Clean air con filters once a week and use an air purifier to filter out dust.

4. Avoid smoke – Smoking or burning incense in the house releases carbon dioxide and other toxic chemicals that impact the respiratory system.

