2008年12月2日 星期二


星期日不用出勤,於是吃過午飯,便看 The Teacher 介紹的【衝上雲霄】(An Officer and a Gentleman)


據聞這齣是李察基爾的成名作 (竟然不是【風月俏佳人】?!),他在電影中的表演算是不俗。不過,栗子妹還是較喜歡「長大」了的李察基爾啊!成熟男人的魅力,年青一輩望塵忘及。

頗喜歡電影的配樂,尤其是 Up where we belong

看完電影,腦海中浮現了一個很大的問號──到底誰才是戲名中提到的 gentleman 呢?


13 則留言:

  1. My take was that Debra Winger's character, along with the navy, made a gentleman out of him.  He was  怕愛 because of his growing up with his dad, and the women he was with.  I don't think he was all that  自私   to begin with, witness his giving the shined buckles to that black guy for free while in training. 
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:41:00]Thanks for answering my question, Teach!  I was wondering if 'gentleman' was referring to the black teacher at school.
    I think you're right, Teach. RG was not that selfish. But my understanding is that he wanted to 拋棄 Debra Winger at first, and I hated that idea.  
    And the interaction between RG and the black teacher was a little bit crazy ...

  2. I think RG got his start with American Gigolo, then this.  Pretty Woman  came much later.
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:41:00]Then shall I watch 'American Gigolo' as well?

  3. 我重記得當年宣傳嗰兩句對聯:
    "男兒志, 衝上雲霄
     女兒樂, 遇俏郎君"
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:44:00]唔 ...... 成套戲好似都未見過有人駕駛飛機喎,名不副實呀

  4. 那位錯用情自殺的配角 .......  好慘!
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:45:00]也很傻!唉,他去得太盡了......

  5. 很久之前看過這齣電影,特別是那首 upwhere we belong 十分精采!當然演 Pretty Woman 時 的 RG 已成熟許多了。
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:48:00]認同乏言先生所言,這首歌真是動聽
    剛翻查資料,原來 Pretty Woman 是 90 年的作品,比這齣晚了八年

  6. 未睇過o忝?!
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:49:00]井兄:要不是 Teacher 介紹,我根本就不知道有這樣的一齣電影

  7. 同意老師所言, 李察基爾的成名作應該是這套和American Gigolo(美國舞男),不過我出世得遲,兩套都未睇。或者遲0的問吓BS2叔叔0的劇情先。
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:50:00] 南爾又要跟 BS2 鬥嘴嗎?

  8. 想來真是很久前看過的了 記得以前常追看930的電影
    [版主回覆12/03/2008 20:51:00]唉,我因為要早睡,沒甚麼機會看 930

  9. The "black teacher" was played by the great Louis Gossett Jr, who received an Oscar for his role.  It was his big break.  The director was looking for a white actor, the typical  "southern redneck drill sergeant".  But Gosset was so good at the audition that they took him. 
    My perception of the film title is that the officer and the gentleman is the same person.
    Yes, American Gigolo is worth seeing too, starring a youthful and hunkish Richard Gere and a middle-aged but still extremely beautiful Laurel Hutton. I read somewhere that they originally wanted Alec Baldwin, who was younger and better known then, for the role, but he had a prior engagement.  This film made both Richard Gere and Armani suits famous and popular.

  10. Here's another piece of trivia:  Take another look at the sex scenes between RG and Debra Winger.  See if you could tell that they (the actors) hated each other guts while they were shooting the scenes.
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 20:47:00]Really? They hated each other? I must take another look then.
    Thanks, Teach, for all the information about the film.

  11. 等我搵日都睇吓先 !
    [版主回覆12/04/2008 20:45:00]Nicole: 不用買,我拿碟給您

  12. 我當年入戲院睇架!

  13. 栗子妹:Gentleman 只是一種感覺,栗子妹認為誰是,誰就是! 慧行認為 Gentleman 不單是一種行為表現,而且是一種涵養的表現;涵養包括氣質、學識、以及思維
