2009年1月27日 星期二




初一應付完一大群親朋戚友後,今早終於有時間寫 blog,可腦海內浮現的題材,大多不吉利,如陳雲的〈死門〉(大吉利市!)。想來想去,還是寫自己的老本行吧!



翻翻家中的存庫,發覺自己曾買過這類型的書,如《莎士比亞故事》(左頁英文,右頁中文)、《長腿叔叔》(前半部是中文,後半部是英文)。這兩本書肯定有不同版本,何以當年我會選擇中英對照版呢?大概是因為覺得「抵」── 一個故事,兩個版本,誰敢說不划算?




6 則留言:

  1. 祝牛年龍精虎猛  橫財就手

  2. I agree with you on the difficulty of cross-referencing words between the two editions, but we have dictionaries for that purpose.  Here's why I believe duo editions would help in learning a second language:  You read a chapter in L1, then re-read the same thing in L2.  You'll find that you could guess more accurately by context any new words you run into in the L2 edition, sparing you the effort of looking up the words in the dictionary, which could really be boring. 
    Other than as an L2 learning tool, I see no useful purposes for duo editions.
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 20:35:00]Dear Teach: I think that was the original plan: read a chapter in L1 and then re-read it in L2, but I doubt how many people would read a book that way. Maybe students in a literature class?
    Agree with you that it could be really boring to look up words in a dictionary while reading a novel or an interesting article. Maybe publishers can consider having an on-the-page dictionary instead? That would be helpful.  (at least to me )

  3. 真係有道理呀!我都曾經買過呢類書俾幾個女,發覺英文部份佢地根本唔會睇!
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 20:37:00]南爾:下次還是買純英文讀本好些,我覺得中英對照的作用真是不大。

  4. I did read Harry Porter in both languages, for Half-Blood Prince, read Chinese first then English (to seee whether I miss another from the Chinese version), but for the Deadly Hollow, read English first then Chinese (can't wait for the translation, but then afraid don't understand or missing some important points in the Engliah, therefore read the Chinese afterall).
    I guess when the book is good, you will spend the time to read it agaian and again.
    "英文版看到某個不懂的生詞或句子時,要在中文版找對譯是多麼不容易的一件事啊" I did it once or twice, but mostly is related to names, wonder who the hell is he/she, so many names and translation difference....  (and I like the Chinese version has a glossary at the beginning of the book....guess Chinese always smarter )
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 20:42:00]Kilo Kel: So you're a huge fan of Harry Potter!  
    Yes, I would spend more time on a good book, but I'll only read a book twice at most. There are too many good books waiting for me, you know
    A glossary is always helpful! I'm tempted to find the Chinese version to take a good look.

  5. 恭喜發財!
    當年 睇讀者文摘,有幾篇故事是中英對照, 我都係只 睇中文。冇辦法,睇 唔明就 冇興趣睇落去,仲講 咩學英文。
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 20:43:00]Isis 說得對,要學好語文,最重要還是講興趣。

  6. 我一直也不相信中英對照書能幫助讀者學語文的,我甚至有點討厭這類書。中英文語法根本不同,難以逐個字對照。不明白的字我情願查字典或按上文下理猜。 但我也相信你所說的,如宣傳得宜,可以"騙"父母買給子女學語文。
    [版主回覆02/07/2009 20:44:00]芝:父母總是緊張子女的學業,又總是希望把最好的給子女,所以我覺得要賣中英對照的書其實不難
