2009年4月20日 星期一






11 則留言:

  1. 男人是該有男人的樣子, 但偶爾女方付鈔亦平常.
    當然, 貪飲貪食要送禮的女人也可悲.
    [版主回覆04/22/2009 08:22:00]小月:昨天跟同事聊起,她說真有的女人在朋友茶聚時,抱怨男友不送她名牌手袋呢!而我的朋友也說過,他的前度押著他去買手飾

  2. 男女上街,不一定要由男方負責全部開銷;偶爾由女方付,絕不為過。-----> you sound like men actually have to pay the majority of expenses. I think it'll be kinda sad if the man doesn't make more $$$ than the woman.
    I prefer sharing costs together, it'll be nice of the guy buys us dinner once in a while, but girls could do the same, no?
    Since women are fighting so much for equlity, I stand with the guys: girls, pay your part!

  3. I saw that program and I heard that girl whining about that.  If I were there, I would've voiced my left-handed support by saying:
    你講得啱, 幾十蚊都計較, 真係嫁唔過,娶唔過,連朋友都做唔過

  4. 「 其實在栗看來,即使男方不是真心,肯這樣子扮扮也不錯嘛!女人還是喜歡肯承擔的男人。 」 照咁講即係連blog主心底裡都覺得同女士出街會就一律出錢o既男人先至叫做好啦!
    [版主回覆04/22/2009 08:20:00]給井兄識破了,當初我大概真是這樣想

  5. 這回,或許與栗子姑娘的看法不一樣。首先,乏言未看過這段「港男,講女」。乏言每日在數字裡兜轉,對金錢二字較為敏感。個人認為這個不是什麼   63.8 元的問題,難道 62.8 元就是奇觀而 6,380 元就不是?非也,這正是“值與不值” 的緣故吧。當被付鈔的一方,認為不值的時候,多一分也是奢侈!想象中,謾罵的一方可能於不久之前,花了上千元送上一扎玫瑰花,為何當日又如此豪爽?
    誰來付錢,此乎要看情形而定,比如說雙方均有收入,在經濟獨立的情況下,就不一定一方要全負責的。從男仕的觀點,女仕讓你結賬,正是給你面子,人家難道不和你吃飯不成?又為何斤斤計較,當然女仕也絕不應以“奉旨 , take it for granted” 的心態,則付的一方更易受落。
    然而,來而不往非禮也,偶爾由女仕邀約,男仕也很樂意吧。除非是一大班人外出,乏言卻很怕兩個人之間還要來什麼 AA 制,吃一頓飯,每人要付 173.60 這些「婆媽」數。
    至於最後一段所提的「真心」就令乏言費解了。肯付鈔與肯承擔並拉不上關係,多少北上尋歡的登徒,都願付鈔,但絕對不願承擔的。男仕女仕也好,相信少有欣賞“扮真心” 的吧。
    [版主回覆04/22/2009 08:19:00]謝謝乏言先生提點 !付鈔跟承擔不能畫上等號呢 !當初我會這樣寫,可能是像雲兒所言,想連少少錢也根根計較,就別指望他會承擔了
    值與不值那點很有理 ,男方覺得不值,所以不給,人之常情。那段片令我感到訝異的是,為何女方會為區區數十元破口大罵?她只懂責怪男方,也沒想過可能自己有問題,這種態度要不得
    AA制那點我有保留。本來一人一餐比較好,不用計婆媽數,但吃甚麼卻成了一個大問題。舉例說,甲請乙去吃牛扒,但到乙做東時,乙/甲卻想吃白粥,那樣子豈非有佔便宜之嫌 ?而事實上,每次我想請朋友吃飯,他都會對我怒目而視,我真的不夠他來啊......

  6. 看了栗妹說的, 再看看乏言兄說的, 正好是 <男女大不同>的證明.
    " 多少北上尋歡的登徒,都願付鈔,但絕對不願承擔的 " 幸有乏言兄提醒, 女生千萬別以為 " 肯付鈔"  =  "肯承擔" . 
    不過, 在女生來說, 如果連付鈔也不肯的, 就別指望他承擔了.
    小雲平時同朋友食飯多是aa制, 但同男朋友, 就要看對象而言了. 同意小月說的, 偶爾女方付鈔亦平常.

  7. When I first heard the audio of the girl whining about tens of dollars of her post-date purchases in a supermarket, I was absolutely certain that it was a script, written by some mean-spirited men determined to make women out to be trash.   As the program progressed, I was both shocked and dismayed to learn that the audio was authentic.
    Where I came from, AA is basically the standard rule when it comes to dating, especially the first couple dates when both are still uncertain about future possibilities.   The only exception is if there is clearly a huge income gap between the man and the woman, AND, if the cost of their date activities is clearly above the means of the woman, and well within the means of the man.   Both conditions must be self-evidently clear to both for the man to be “expected” to pay the full cost.   One other exception is if during the course of the date, it was obvious to both that the attraction is so strong that a second date is a sure thing, then if the man offered to pay at the end, the woman would accept with the condition that she’d pay for the next date.   In that case, they most likely have already agreed on what to do on the second date by then.
    I couldn’t disagree more with the idea that   付鈔    correlates directly with 承擔 .   If anything, 付鈔   replaces 承擔 .   I agree with Little Cloud’s comment about HK men hunting up north.   After all, since I am pay cash for your company, why invest emotionally in you?   Yes?

  8. To me, " 肯付鈔"  =  "肯承擔"  is one way to see my man's responsibility. I don't mean to have the best thing. If he can't afford to go to four seasons, i'm happy to go to McD. If his pocket has 100 dollar, and willing to spend on me and the family for 80 dollar. this is more precious than a man with 10000 and willing to spend for 80 dollar on me. this is a reflection on how "willing" he is. I only mind about his willingnesss. I won't necessary take the 80 dollar.
    being with a responsible man, it makes me life so much easier. he is less calculating, he is more responsible, he won't expect me to be the bread and butter of the family (but that does not mean that I am not willing to if situation needs). but i am the contigency, he is the pillar of the family. with this mindset, i feel very secure and safe with this man. a man does not measure by his height or muscle, it's measure by his willingness to take up responsbility. (look, i also leave out ability to take up responsibility). because i treasure a person's heart (i.e. attitude) more than anything else.
     肯付鈔"  =  "肯承擔" is simply a reflection. if a man calculates everything with me, i can tell how difficult my life is going to be.

  9. haha !...Chestnust Girl has brought up a very controvercial topic for us !
    Dear Teacher, I have seen the program too, I personally do not agree that all girls are materialism, at least the female friends around me are NOT.
    I think it is polite and enjoyable that as a girl to accept a treat from her boyfriend, and I will do the same to him too.  
    FYI: " 多少北上尋歡的登徒,都願付鈔,但絕對不願承擔的 " << 此句是來自  乏言  的回應.

  10. 也許是地域文化的差異吧, 北方男子在外會比較豪爽, 在乎的是面子問題; 而香港似乎大多屬AA制, 甚而連夫妻都會分清楚, 這便是男女平等的結果吧.   至於那連拍拖費都追的, 其實哪裡都有這樣的人, 小男人罷

  11. 呢篇大家回應得很精彩喎! 有無人要請我食飯呢? 呵呵!
