2009年5月11日 星期一



- 圓形的長題目,近年成了乙部的大熱;誰知這條「必考」題今年竟不翼而飛!相信教不少人跌破眼鏡 (包括栗子妹在內)
不知是否知道考生怕做證明的題目,竟然在甲部(2) 出了一題,我看來年應該會照辦煮碗。
甲部(1) 竟然有一題考捨入?!不是賣大包賣得那麼離譜吧?

- 嘿,都說「形心」(centroid)、「外心」(circumcentre)、「內心」(incentre)和「垂心」(orthocentre)是必考的定義,果然今年又出了兩題。
圖像 (graph) 在乙部出了三題,比我想像中的多,要提阿仔阿女溫習。

- 竟然不考general solution!阿仔知道後不知多失望,還問我之前苦讀為何~~~
二項式 (binomial theorem) 的一題有意思,不過要如何表達展開式中沒有常數項,對我來說有點難度。
點解我最後一題第二部分計到 AB = (1/2)h 呢?有誰可以教教我?



3 則留言:

  1. 今天最後一科,謝天謝地,學子們考完了  
    [版主回覆05/13/2009 08:10:00]無蹟:希望囡囡有好成績

  2. I am really getting old here
    What is  圓形的長題目 ?
    I don't recognize any of those definitions in 數學科卷二
    What's "general solution"? 
    I remember the binomial distribution from U, but have forgotten the "theorem".
    And, how did you get your hands on the paper so soon.  They don't publish past papers until a year or so after the fact, no?
    [版主回覆05/13/2009 08:10:00]It's alright, Teacher. You don't teach Maths, do you?
    There's a topic about circles in G Maths. It talks about the properties of circles like angles in the same segment, tangents, etc.
    Those four defintions are newly added. I think 出卷員 are obsessed with them because they appear so frequent!
    For general solution, I mean those for sine, cosine and tangent, such as 180n + a.
    As for binomial theorem, we teach students the concept of factorial and binomial expansion in A Maths.
    Regarding the paper, can't you guess?

  3. I guess I'd better not teach math.  I did when I was working as an assistant at an ESF school, but I didn't see anything like what you descrtibed.  I haven't done it in several years.
    No, I have no clues on how you got your hands on the paper so soon, unless you were an invigilator (what a word!) which receives a courtesy copy of the exam paper you invigilated.  However, I'll venture a guess in private.
