2009年8月17日 星期一

瘋讀社論 強化英語

自知英文不夠水準,於是不住想找方法提升自己的英語能力;想起未讀馮強先生的新著《瘋讀社論 強化英語》,便到書局買了回家細讀。



《英國衛報》社論: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tone/editorials

《國際先驅論壇報》社論: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/editorials/index.html

5 則留言:

  1. You're way too modest.  Your English is better than most HKers. 
    Anyway, to add to your list, I think your favorite mag The Economist is an excellent source also.  Others include the Washington Times http:/www.washtimes.com/ , and the Weekly Standard  http://www.weeklystandard.com/ .
    [版主回覆08/19/2009 21:02:00]Teacher: You know I won't be satisfied to be an average HKer?
    Many thanks for the links. I haven't heard about the weekly Standard before ...

  2. 我也是在 "都巿日報" 常讀馮先生的專欄啊. 這本書上月在書展買到啦! ~~  
    [版主回覆08/19/2009 21:03:00]暖暖:這是一本好書來的,值得珍藏啊!

  3. 私情真是要常來粟子妹的blog 咯, 我都想學好d英文. Thanks for sharing!
    [版主回覆08/20/2009 21:35:00]私情:學英文首要有恆心,只要持之以恆,必定有長進的。加油!

  4. I read this book too.  But actually, I won't recomment learners of English, especially those beginners, to read editorials as a way of learning English. That's too much for them.  Most editorials tend to use difficult words and learners are busy flipping through dictionaries from time to time.  
    [版主回覆11/09/2010 20:14:00]Last year, I told a F4 student to read editorials, and he was so bored. For beginners, I would recommend Longman's Brighter Grammar. Comprehensive and easy to understand.

  5. I seldom use difficult/formal words.  So each time I read editorials, I have to look up the meanings in a dictionary and that kills me. 
    [版主回覆11/09/2010 21:18:00]I have to use formal words sometimes, mainly emails to my boss. I won't bother to look up the meaning of difficult words. I will only check 'strange phrases' like 'pushing the envelope' and 'throwing in the towel'. (Both are from the column Central Station in Hong Kong Standard. I think it is a kind of editorial?)
