2009年8月16日 星期日


上星期三,《虎報》Broad Education 一欄,有一篇發人深省的文章,內容是關於應屆狀元的。以下節錄部分段落與各位分享:

Most people might regard straight-A students as gentle, knowledgeable and far-sighted.

But one reporter who interviewed them noticed most of them have something in common – they have no dreams and no targets.

Many of the top-notch students were apparently lost for words when asked about their ambitions. Others gave strange answers.

One said he wants to become a school prefect, the reason being that he will enjoy power and prestige. So he does not want to become a prefect to serve his school.

Another said he wants to become a lawyer. And he chose this profession because he is impressed by a soap opera about lawyers.

He is inspired by a love story and not the fight for righeousness. He also could not say whether the qualities he possesses will make him a good lawyer.




6 則留言:

  1. Reference my blog on the CEE last year.   They have no dreams or goals in life because they have no imagination.  Those   狀元 got their CEE results by memorizing the right things, not by being better scholars.  That's why students with mediocre CEE results, but some imagination often become more successful, if they could somehow get into U, either here or abroad.  That's why I said last year that I would love to see a follow-up investigative report on how all those  狀元   are doing 10-15 years after their CEE. 
    I once read something on supercomputers and their "ability to think".  The author insisted that while computers might be able to think, they could never imagine.  Perhaps that's the problem with our system.  Its emphasis on rote and drills is stifling our youngsters' minds and inhibiting the development of their imagination.  It's making them computer-like, but never scholars. 
    This liberal studies stuff is a total waste of time and counterproductive.  Those tutorial center staffs are already preparing materials for students on what to memorize for the CEE, which makes the entire subject "anything but liberal".

  2. One said he wants to become a school prefect, the reason being that he will enjoy power and prestige. So he does not want to become a prefect to serve his school.

  3. " 成人的世界早已如是,沒想過青少年的天空也會如此。 " Don't young people often get their inspirations from the adults? For the sentence pointed out by yuenyee, I think that it indeed can be written in a less confusing way: " One said he wants to
    become a school prefect, the reason being that he will enjoy power and
    prestige. That means he does not want to become a prefect in order to serve his school. "

  4. 他們的理想都很實在, 可說是沒夢想, 但也是沒法子呵, 因為現實是生存緊要呵.

  5. Raymond, I respectfully disagree with your last paragraph.  I wouldn't be surprised if Yuenyee found yours to be equally confusing.  My take is that it's not a diction problem, but a comprehension one.

  6. 現在大人世界根本不容許小孩子有夢想。 自小就要面對最殘酷的現實了,就已經像在職場一般(搞profolio?),還有甚麼作夢的空間﹖
