2009年12月3日 星期四








10 則留言:

  1. This professor Poon is obviously writing on behalf of those who wish to depress the English proficiency of the young people below even the current standards.
    What paper was he writing to?
    [版主回覆12/04/2009 20:51:00]Teacher: It's a research done by a university in HK. And the newspaper reported the findings of the research:
    I can't believe the research team would think 中英夾雜 is main reason for poor English standard ...

  2. 不似人形 --- best describe me Luckily, I still have movies and dreams, or I will be walking skeletons. Btw, will you watch Hear Me. Surprisingly GOOD!!!
    [版主回覆12/04/2009 21:00:00]Kenji: 我想看的,但還未有時間 (明天還要拍一整天的片 )
    或許這個週日可以去 bc 續會兼看電影

  3. 我覺得,單是社會物質比以前豐盛,解釋不了問題,是共同思考方式發生轉變,如果要具體地說,或許我會說不單港人政治意識比以前薄弱,社會意識亦一樣。在這一輩年少的香港人(我是說teenagers)身上,究竟有甚麼共同抱負﹖
    [版主回覆12/04/2009 21:07:00]認同物質豐盛並不能解釋問題。看過一些關於社會 mobility 的文章,說現今世界給年輕人的機會,不比從前的多;加上父母溺愛,弄至新一代沒有上進心 (有點像我,再努力也沒機會上位),更不用說有抱負了。

  4. Some of my F1 blog friends English are surprisingly well. Maybe it depends on the school itself also.  They are going to SSGC.  I think it is still one of the best school in HK.  When there are so many schools and students, there will be some that are better and some that are not so good.  Sometimes it is not so easy to keep up the high standard across the board.
    [版主回覆12/04/2009 21:17:00]堅: I think family education matters most. If parents are willing to spend time with their children, they will perform better at school (even in an average school).
    I'd like to find out what the people in the EDB are thinking. Do they think that by forcing students to listen to English in class, students' English will improve? Unbelievable.

  5. 為何星加坡的人英文水平會咁好呢 ?
    [版主回覆12/04/2009 21:19:00]雲兒:我覺得還是要看人。有心學的,環境再差也會學得好。沒心肝的,打再多的補針還是徒然。

  6. I listened to the whole segment, and didn't catch the part where she said 中英夾雜 was the culprit...
    [版主回覆12/05/2009 06:43:00]But the line I quoted was the headline. She didn't mention anything about it in the interview? 有古怪
    On meta-study, I'm not familiar with it. But I think they based on 不負責任的 findings/conclusions and drew the wrong trend.

  7. I agree that spending time with your kids is very important but you do have to spend a lot of time. Seeing my niece and nephew growing up, I realize how much effort is required. I am not sure if every parent can spend that much time with their kids. Children don't just need to learn about the traditional education but also emotional stuffs as well. And that sometimes require some playing time.  As researchers are finding out, play could be one of most important part of childhood development. Learning a language require some memorization. To a child before the age of 7, everything is easy to learn including language and music. I don't know what is the best way to learn a language. One school of thought is to listen and speak it as much as possible. I think most foreign languages are taught in that language in class for most US schools.
    [版主回覆12/05/2009 06:54:00]堅: True. Being a parent is not easy nowdays. Parents have to take care of their children's physical as well as emotional needs. As HK is a city famous for its 拼博精神(!), how can parents spare enough time for their children?
    Early education is important for a child's development. Unfortunately, HK government does not pay enough attention to this sector. On the other hand, parents are so eager to get their children into 名牌學校 that they employ tutors for their three-year-olds!
    I believe that systems that work in foreign countries will not work in HK. It's not about the system but how the officials implement it. I agree that it's good to let students listen and read as much English as possible, but when 英文中學 became a brand label, everything changed. In order to retain the reputation of school, Principal forces teachers to raise the level of students, which means more homework and students' loss of interest in their studies.

  8. 說得也很合理, 非常贊成.
    [版主回覆12/06/2009 17:15:00]謝謝祈櫻子

  9. 新加坡人英文較好是自然的,因為新加坡有太多不同民族,唯有用英文作共同語言。你如果不懂英文就很難跟其他民族溝通。 香港則相反,九成幾人是說廣東話的,所以社會上沒有壓力迫人用英文。 話唯如此,新加坡人的英文也出名是混合了馬來語、華語、印度語的Singlish。英文說得較「純正」(英/美標準)的人也有限。 要香港人英文好﹖很簡單,如果政府夠膽強迫全港電視台只准播英語節目(連《宮心計》也要英語配音﹗)、所有政府部門只會講英文,我保證十年後的學生英文水平一定會好。 家長自己的英文也是「油麻地」、特首的英文文法一樣出錯,怎麼單方面去挑剔學生的英文﹖
    [版主回覆12/06/2009 17:14:00]嘩,如果連肥皂劇都要聽英文配音,做人還有甚麼樂趣?

  10. 學習不是人家喂一口,學生就吃一口。
    [版主回覆12/06/2009 17:09:00]yuenyee 的比喻,有趣也貼切。確實,語文需要浸淫,只靠學校課堂,平日平用功,很難有起色的。朋友問我為何補數學不補英文,因為對於不愛閱讀的小孩而言,補習英文根本無補於事。
