2010年7月20日 星期二






7 則留言:

  1. 「太多法定的專利和財雄勢大的無形壟斷,令香港的商業競爭只存在很低如街邊小販(如果尚未為超市趕絕的話)
    的層次,根本上香港已失去自由市場競爭的活力(還說什麼實施最低工資令香港自由失色!)」 // 林行止﹕為何應定較高的最低工資 http://tinyurl.com/28sakzc

  2. 香港已經失去以前的獨特性,還有見到那些黨派爭吵,實在讓人煩厭。

  3. I too, am  一向信奉自由市場 .  But as I'm getting older, I am getting skeptical..
    But you raised a good point, if not the market, can we trust a person, or a political body?   好心做壞事的例子   will rear its ugly head soon with this minimum wage stuff...  

  4. 自由市場係呃人的. The universe is about balance. The earth orbit is the result of balanced gravitational forces. Nothing in this universe can last without being in balance. Even our life is about finding that balance line. Free market can't work by itself it need to be balanced by regulation.  In the old day, there are mostly family businesses. There are people and families behind those businesses and they want to last forever. Today international corporation is just a legal entity.  It doesn't have a face or soul any more. It only exists to make as much money as fast as possible. It doesn't matter if it doesn't last for 5 years.

  5. 因時制宜才是永恆之法。當然,非朝令夕改。
    美國既自由能解決 Wall Street 既貪 ?
    政府入市打大鱷 ? 美國德國直頭忽然改遊戲規則限制沽空。 海底隧道由私營轉公營 ? .....

  6. Latest example. Wall Street bailed out banks payout big bonuses with tax payers money! Free Market economy = every man and woman for themselves. Get what you can while you can.  Is it really good for everyone? Just thinking, is free market a natural thing? Does it occur in nature? If not, it is just another man made concept. How is that better than any other person or political body which is also make up of people? I am interested in hearing why free market is good for everyone. HK always has a large gap between the rich and poor.  Even the gap in the US is getting much larger than before.

  7. 自由多寡從來只是個人利益與心情決定的,不可信。
